
 The Guild's book, The Writers' Guild of Delco, Volume 2, is available for purchase. Featuring poems & short stories, this collection offers fresh, local voices. Place an order by emailing: writersguildofdelco@gmail.com 

Writers Guild of DELCO

About Writers' Guild of Delaware County (WGDC)

WGDC meets the second Saturday of each month at 11 o'clock. Currently we meet via Zoom. Post-pandemic, we will meet at the Swarthmore Borough Building. The Writers' Guild of Delco is not affiliated with any sect, denomination, politics, or institution. Its primary purpose is to help local writers at all levels to improve their creative skills and navigate the publishing industry.   Our meetings feature  writing exercises, feedback on members' writing, industry news, and tips on publishers. There's a monthly poetry workshop for members, too.   Hope to see you soon.  

Roses are red... Partners in Rhyme, the Guild's poetry workshop meets once a month on the third Sunday of each month. Currently the poetry group meets online via Zoom.  To join the Partners in Rhyme  one must first become a member of the Guild.

Remember write everyday